Please, take my hand and choose love with me.

Please, take my hand and choose love with me.

I woke up crying this morning. Overcome with sadness, shock and more than a little bit of horror. This election has shaken me, shaken those I love, shaken our country, and the world we live in. I am watching many beautiful souls who believe so passionately in Love and Light, as I do, slip into hate and fear. We simply cannot afford to allow this. We must somehow feel the sorrow and manage to shine more brightly than ever when we emerge on the other side. We must take time to feel our feelings – our disappointment, fear, anger, sadness, overwhelm, horror, and grieve privately in our most sacred safe circles. And then we must come out the other side radiating Love even more brightly into the world.

As a teacher, a coach, a healer of self-love I know from personal experience, as well as the experience of my clients, that grim situations often get worse before it can get better. The paradigm still exists that pain motivates change. Many of us are feeling that pain, and I suspect over these next years there will be even more. Just like a violent forest fire looks devastating, it is the only way for the forest to be reborn – there are flowers that only blossom after the fire. I have said privately for months, now publicly, that perhaps this is our country’s Dark Night of the Soul, our rock bottom. I am not speaking specifically about President Elect Trump. This entire election process has been filled with darkness, hate and fear.

So much greatness has come in the wake of hitting rock bottom. I pray for the strength, the wisdom, the spiritual fortitude to weather whatever is to come. Knowing that after the flood there is a rainbow, after rock bottom is rebirth, after the fire there is unique new growth. I, for one, am doing my level best to birth this glorious newness by teaching love.

A Course in Miracles says every moment is an opportunity to choose love or fear. This moment in time, as tears roll uncontrollably down my cheeks, I am feeling challenged by this choice. And yet I know what choice I must, I will make. I pray you make it with me – through our tears, through our shock, through it all please take my hand and choose love with me.

I am available today to connect with anyone needing love. Please reach out to me if you feel moved to do so. I will receive you with absolute unconditional love.

Mother Spirit Father God,

Who may I love for you today? May I receive them as You would. May they feel the comfort of Your Love through me. May I be an instrument of Your love today and every day.

and so it is…Amen.

I love you.
~ Tracey Lee

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