Self-Love Pro-Tips for Peace, Joy and Love during the Holidays.

Self-Love Pro-Tips for Peace, Joy and Love during the Holidays.

"If You Think You’re Enlightened, Go Spend a Week With Your Family." - Ram Das

  • The week before a holiday, or family time, make sure you take extra good care of yourself and get extra sleep.

  • Set an intention or intentions for what you truly want to experience. (This holiday season my intentions are lightness and laughter, time with my boys just being together, being a mom they enjoy, and connecting with soul friends.)

  • Prioritize self-care. Figure out your top three non-negotiable self-care to-dos (meditate, exercise, supplements, time in nature). Do them even and especially when you are with your family. Don't be tempted to skip self-care because you 'don't have time'. Making time for yourself is a Loving act for everyone.

  • Know your limits. It's okay to take self-care breaks. Take breaks before you reach your limit.

  • Have an escape plan. There's always a bathroom to duck into. Take some deep belly breaths (6 seconds in through your nose, 12 seconds out, long and slow, through your mouth times 3 or more).

  • Use your senses if/when you get flooded, triggered or overwhelmed. Wash your hands with warm soapy water - be present to the feeling. Step outside into the brisk cold air. Find something delightful to smell or taste. When we focus on our senses, we are in the present moment. When we are flooded or triggered we are not.

  • Gratitude! Not as emotional bypass though. Feel those uncomfortable feelings when they arise. You know the ones, disappointment, sadness, anger, grief. Don't stuff them or ignore them. Take time to name them and feel them and they will float on by. Then step fully into gratitude. Try this structure:

  • I am grateful for ____________ because ____________. Whatever comes after 'because' is the juicy goodness, the essence of gratitude. Feel that and feel the warmth spread from your heart outwards.

    You've got this. I've got this. We've got this!

Thirty-four years ago today

Thirty-four years ago today

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More on Grief as Love…