All tagged Losing My Dad

The Importance of Stasis

Stasis: a period or state of inactivity or equilibrium.

Today I’m going to share with you the importance of getting yourself back to stasis, a state of equilibrium, where you are neither escalated nor de-escalated. You are neither triggered or depressed. You are at peace.

And I’m going to share with you some techniques that can assist you with getting back to stasis.

Asking For What Your Heart Truly Desires

“I Love myself and so…” is a phrase you may have noticed I use a lot. It’s my fave, my go-to, and has become my signature and tagline.  And today I am going to share with you one potent and powerful way I action this phrase on the regular! 

Grieving Togetherness

I want to take you inside of my personal space and experience because it’s easy to think that while I teach this, I don’t live it, and the reality is I teach this because I live it. I’m in it with you, and it doesn’t always feel good. So here’s a juicy peak at my own time deep in it recently walking hand-in-hand with myself and Love.