Emotions 101 - Achieving Emotional Sobriety

Emotions give us a kind of weather report of ourselves and others, and that is powerful information.  Without that information we are not prepared for what storms may come. When I don’t know that it’s going to be 110 degrees outside today, I might not dress appropriately. When I am angry about something and unaware of my own anger, I can easily let that anger come out inappropriately.

All of me loves all of me.

So if you want to feel happy, notice when you are not. Lean into the sadness, anger, guilt, etc. Say, “I see you anger. What can I do for you? What are you hear to teach me? I love and accept you, and I love myself even when I am angry.” 

Thyme in Bottle

One of my go-to phrases during times of sadness or grief, be they my own or someone else's, is "If I could go to the store and buy you a bottle of time and slather it all over you you would feel better." I say this because healing takes time and we can't rush time no matter how much we may want to.

Mothering full circle

I have come not only full circle, I have created a new and holy circle. One in which I can freely give to my mother that which I never received from her.  My mother has truly been my greatest teacher.

hey boys, how am I doing?

John suggested that we parents take a moment from time to time to sit down with our kids individually, and ask them this question: “How am I doing as a parent?” Wow! We all get evaluation from our bosses at work - that what’s working what’s not working conversation, but how many of us take the time to do that with our kids? I never have, but the moment I heard him say it, I knew I would.