Love is exactly what we need right now

Love is exactly what we need right now

I am seeing a lot of talk right now about how what we dont need is Love and Light. Some are even going as far as suggesting that people spreading Love and Light are dangerous.

As a Master Teacher of Love, I have said for a long long time that Love is not all rainbow sprinkles, fairy floss and unicorn farts. Love has many facets and flavors. Some are indeed soft, pink, and comforting while others are fierce, feisty and powerful.

Make no mistake about it, what we are experiencing, globally with COVID-19 and as a country with anti-racism, right now is indeed Love come to kick some serious ass.

We're long overdue for some powerful redirection and correction. For too long we have been ignoring the warning signs, the pleas for help, the cries of despair. And now, there is simply no place to hide from them.

Love acts as a vacuum drawing forth anything unlike Love to be healed. This is what we are experiencing. We have to see it to heal it, we have to feel it to heal it. There is no escaping it. So we may as well turn and face it, look it straight in the eyes and ask, "What is Love trying to show me and teach me. What does Love want me to know and do?"

I dont want to hear one more word about how Love is not what we need, how Love is not enough. When you learn to Love yourself then, and ONLY THEN, can you Love your neighbor. It is way past time for everyone to get what this really means!

Jesus turned over the tables when he was angry. That too was Love in action.

I Love you. It is time for you to Love yourself, really truly Love yourself, so that we can get on with the business of Loving each other.

Dear God, I don't know. Please help me. amen

Dear God, I don't know. Please help me. amen

Love does not Lie - a Rant on Positivity

Love does not Lie - a Rant on Positivity