Dear God, I don't know. Please help me. amen

Dear God, I don't know. Please help me. amen

Good morning Loveys,

This in my new prayer.

Dear God,
I don't know. Please help me.

Short simple honest clear potent.

And while this might not seem profound at first glance, there is so much of my personal healing in here.

In my family, knowing had a kind of pecking order to it. Mother knew everything; older sisters knew most everything; and I knew nearly everything. There was high value placed on knowing, on having the right answer, on providing others with what you know. NOT KNOWING was shameful. It meant I was a burden. Asking for help was even more shameful.

And so, when this prayer came to me it felt very counterintuitive. My ego rebelled kicking and screaming for a while. My Spirit felt the perfection of it immediately.

And so, I tried it on. It was clunky at first to be sure. I felt like I was admitting failure and defeat, betraying myself somehow. I felt embarrassed and exposed. Knowing had been a kind of protection it seemed, and without it I felt emotionally naked and nervous.

'What if people saw' & 'what if people knew' eventually melted away, and left in their stead a feeling of sweet surrender. If felt like total relief. The thoughts associated with the feelings said in a surprised voice bubbling up from deep inside of me "oh! I am not supposed to know everything! I am not supposed to never need help!"

Today my prayer feels clean and clear. Truth is we all need help from time to time. Of course we do. There is absolutely nothing shameful in not knowing. In fact, not knowing and asking for help is precisely where and how I invite the Benevolent Forces of the Universe enter my life and assist me.

I have heard it said before that our angels and guides, God, Holy Spirit, call it whatever you like - they are right there wanting to help us, all we need to do is ask.

With Love,
Tracey Lee

The saddest reply I've ever received.

The saddest reply I've ever received.

Love is exactly what we need right now

Love is exactly what we need right now