The saddest reply I've ever received.

The saddest reply I've ever received.

Hello Love,

Last week I posted this image on my Instagram (thetraceylee) story. One of the answer I received said, 

"I sometimes go a whole day not even thinking about love. 
Thank you for the reminder."

My heart sank as I read the response. Honestly, I have not been able to shake the feelings of hopelessness and despair I imagine the author feels. 
One of the Universal Laws I teach is that we get what we focus on. If we desire to feel Loved, we must put Love directly in front of us. We must look at it often. We must be willing to use our powerful imagination to feel what Love in our life feels like or would feel like.

If we go a whole day without even thinking about Love, how will we recognize Love when she comes to call, when she beckons us to dance, when she invites us into compassion, desire, joy, even pleasure?
I became a teacher of Self-Love because I desired more Love in my life; I desired to be able to radiate more Love into the world; and to teach others to do the same. 

I Love myself and so... 
I am surrounded by reminders of Love, from my tremendous heart shaped crystal and rock collection, to the art around my home, to the jewelry I wear, to the joy I feel when someone sees a heart and sends it to me, and even the heart tattoo I have had on my body since I was 19. 

Can you imagine the result of all of those reminders in my life? I can, and I do. My life is steeped in Love. Every moment of every day. And, in the moments where I falter, because I have those days too, there are reminders all around me. And if that doesn't work, I have filled my life with people who reflect Love back to me.

And so, to this sweet soul who has inspired me to write this, and to any one of you who may be like her and go an entire day without thinking about Love, I pray you read this, I pray you know it is for you, I pray it sends warmth to your heart, I pray you can imagine my arms wrapped around you, my heart beating against yours, I pray you think on, meditate on, and feel Love in this moment and many many others throughout your day and your life. 


Accepting life on life’s terms

Accepting life on life’s terms

Dear God, I don't know. Please help me. amen

Dear God, I don't know. Please help me. amen