All tagged death

Thirty-four years ago today

I take a seat next to her and take her hand. She immediately leans in to hug me. She knows that I know what is really happening for her in that moment even more than she does. This is comforting to this younger me who felt chronically misunderstood. I tell her how beautiful she is. She brushes it off like yeah-yeah. I take a beat and look in her eyes and say it again, “You are so beautiful, more beautiful than you know. I promise.” She takes it in this time, understanding and not brushing it aside.

More on Grief as Love…

And so I grieve. I woke up with the grief all over me this morning. It filtered into my dreams last night and hangs on me still like a heavy wet black cloak of confusion, unanswered questions, sorrow, anger, and despair.

Every Tear Shed in Grief was born of Love

Most of us want to turn away from grief. Most do. We live in a time and an “antiaging” culture that does everything it can to try to convince us that we, and our loved ones, can avoid aging and death.

We can’t.

Grief is a lost art.
Grief can be so beautiful.
Grief can be cathartic.
Grief is necessary for healing.
Grief is Love in action.

So, how do we grieve?

I can tell you for certain that avoidance and distraction are not the way. Pretending not to be sad is not the way. Trying not to think about it is not the way.Denying your feelings or the feelings of others is not the way.

Accepting life on life’s terms

Resistance causes suffering. Acceptance, non-resistance, allows me to freely move through the feelings as they arise. Judgement and criticism are the actions of resistance. Compassion and curiosity are the actions of acceptance. Awareness is the magical tool that assists me in knowing when I am in resistance or acceptance. Gentleness with myself and others has been most important, and I have kept it close at hand this week.