You Aren't In Danger, You’re Just Uncomfortable

We all experience moments of discomfort on the daily. What I want you to remember with your spectacularly brilliant intellectual brain that: Discomfort does not necessarily mean you’re not safe. This can seem difficult to understand at first because biologically we are meant to interpret discomfort as danger. 


As the mother of 3 spectacular boys 22, 20 & 18, I have had countless teenagers in and out of my home and heart. Teenagers want what we all want - to be seen and heard, to feel validated and valued. And they want boundaries. They don't like them, but they do want them.

Love Thy Self

If you truly want the world to be more peaceful, joy-filled, loving, kind, compassionate (who doesn't really)? Start noticing your inner dialogue. Can you gently shift that voice to be more loving? How many times can you catch yourself doing good today? Can you make a list of 5 stellar things about yourself today, and add 5 new ones tomorrow, and the next day and the next?

No More Mind Fuckery

I, Tracey Lee, no longer accept, allow, condone, participate in, witness, or tolerate mind fuckery in my life. This includes the mind fuckery I create myself. I will master the ability to choose one thought over another. I decide. I choose. I am the authority. I love me, and therefore I take this loving stand.

The Vow of the Courageous Warrior

I, Tracey Lee, will no longer be bound by the slavery of my fear.

I will never again give my power away to my insecurities, my doubts, or my resentments.

I will stop allowing my past to define who I am, and I will stand for my highest integrity.

Intimate Relationships as an amplifier

relationships of vast depth and meaning are *not* those free of conflict, but ones where working through conflict is embraced as path, where the participants are transformed into an alive vessel of purification, love, and healing.

Alicia Volpin Lee ~ September 5, 1930 - July 2, 2017

Lessons from Mother were not the kind you skipped and sang through. She was not the kind of teacher you joyfully brought an apple. Hers was a tough class room. And now with the lessons done, and the final exams passed, I am a far better version of myself having had the experience. Every step of the way Mother was most definitely teaching me love, though it often didn’t feel like it. One thing is for certain, I am a teacher of love because Alicia was my mother.

2016 2017 Words

My word for 2017 is juicy. Juicy as in ripe, succulent, sensational, fascinating, ready, delicious. I am turning 50 at the beginning of the year, and I am ready for my juiciest year yet!

Please, take my hand and choose love with me.

Overcome with sadness, shock and more than a little bit of horror. This election has shaken me, shaken those I love, shaken our country, and the world we live in. I am watching many beautiful souls who believe so passionately in Love and Light, as I do, slip into hate and fear. We simply cannot afford to allow this.

My BIG Move & Being a Much Loved Mama

So when Taylor suggested I move closer to him, when the boys and their gorgeous girlfriends helped me find a new home, drew out diagrams of where my furniture might go in my new house, agreed to meet the utility folks to turn on the gas, picked up my keys, agreed to help with the garage sale, took off work to help me move – I felt like I won a 10-foot-tall Mommy Trophy.

A Different Kind of Happy Mother's Day

It is through fully loving my inner children that I could finally come to fully love myself. The little one who is confused about why the grown-ups keep going away. The middle one who just wants to know what she needs to do so you will love her. And the teenager who pretends not to need anyone because she has it all way under control, who in truth desperately just wants to be seen and loved. My beautiful precious inner children.

The 12 Pillars of Love - Love in Action

Compassion is the flowering of love. Go beyond yourself, leave your own life aside, this is not about you. Step into the world of the other. Be curious? – what’s it like to be them? Do you know their pain, their passion, their hope, their fear? Have you walked in their shoes, is their life equal to yours?